Network of Excellence CARiMan   The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence




SM: Stress Management in Risk Situations


Responsible: CST

Assistance: ICS, NIEB, PRO, SMU, all Partners


In the European Foundation’s 1996 and 2000 surveys of working conditions, 28% of the workers reported stress-related problems, a figure exceeded only by musculoskeletal complaints (30% and 33% respectively). Furthermore, studies in the EU and beyond suggest that between 50% and 60% of all lost working days are related to stress.

This represents a huge cost in terms of both human distress and impaired economic performance. Besides the serious effects on workers’ mental and physical health, the impact of work stress is obvious in ‘organizational symptoms’ such as high levels of absenteeism and labor turnover, poor safety performance, low employee morale, a lack of innovation and poor productivity.

Foundation for the development of practical, scientifically-validated tools and technologies that enable people to improve their health, performance, and quality of life by lowering the stress is the main objective of this JPA. Basic research on emotional physiology and heart-brain interactions, clinical studies, and research on the physiology of learning and performance will be conducted as well.





Centers of Excellence
